Miracle Morning February – Tips for an easier morning

I’m hoping and praying that you will take the month of February to re/commit to beginning your mornings with quality time with God. It’s not that there is necessarily anything special about the mornings, but I think most of us would admit that we would have a better day if we presented a face to the world that was radiating from having reflected upon the glory of Christ first thing.

I’ve already discussed the 6 elements of the Miracle Morning:

Although I am in no way an expert or long-experienced at this, here are a few things that have always helped me when I’m getting up early to pray and study.

Set a bedtime

Getting up earlier means you need to go to bed earlier. I have learned to love early mornings, but I’m also a bit of a night owl. i generally don’t go to bed until after 11pm! But, if I’m going to get up and make that morning time happen, I have got to go to bed. I’m setting my phone alarm for 9pm to remind myself to start getting ready for bed so I can be hitting the pillow around 10pm.

Organize your materials

I have a standard 3-ring binder in which I keep my spiritual reminders, a list of worship/praise songs I like, a list of books or bible studies I’d like to do, and a notebook for my Miracle Morning journaling or to jot down notes for things that come up as I’m going through the morning routine. I also have a basket where I keep my Bible, my journal, my Bible study book, pens and my headphones so everything is organized and handy for the morning. I don’t want to have to spend any of that precious time looking for something to write with!

Prepare the night before

Tonight, take a few minutes and decide how you’re going to approach your morning. If you’re going to exercise first, set out your clothes (or wear them to bed) and decide what kind of exercise you’re going to do. Decide what you’ll read and what songs you’ll listen to. Jot down a few favorite verses that you can personalize as part of your spiritual reminders. And, set your alarm for 5 minutes before your desired wake-up/start time. Also, get a notecard or post-it and write out WHY you want to change your morning routine. Tape this note to your bathroom mirror or by your bed so you can see it when you wake up.

Prayerfully Consider your ways

There is no prize for the woman who gets up earliest, spends the most time reading her Bible or writes the most words for God. This is not a contest! Nor is it something that should make you feel like, once again, you are just not good enough unless you get up early and do all the things. The only reason to do this is because you desperately need more time with God. If you feel content where you are or are in a time in life where waking up any earlier is just not possible, that’s fine! You are enough. You are valued as you are. This entire pursuit should be encouraging and hopeful and bring joy and a rising up in your spirit. If you just feel more beaten down and discouraged, I’d still suggest you try the Miracle Morning, but you need to be in prayer first. God is not the one making you feel less than or inferior. Those are LIES. You have been bought with the blood of Christ and are a valued child of God simply by virtue of your faith in Jesus. I want this experience to be another tool for your faith and a way to experience more meaningful time with God. If it is not that for you, then seek God’s grace and presence in a way that does work for you.

If you are committing to this Miracle Morning February, please let me know in the comments or by emailing me at karen@inspiredtofaith.com so I can be praying for you!

Click here to see all of the posts in the Miracle Morning February series.

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