“The Miracle Morning” – a 28 day challenge for February to strengthen your faith and change your heart

I was introduced to Hal Elrod‘s book “The Miracle Morning” a little over a year ago. Instantly inspired, I committed to a month of doing the morning routine he prescribed. It was pretty amazing. Despite waking up wicked early, I had more energy and, more importantly – JOY, than I could remember having in a long time. As the month went on, even my husband (who is not a christian) noticed the change in me. He said, “You are so much happier these days… whatever you’re doing, you need to keep doing it!”

Alas, I had a newly-turned two-year old, and by the end of those 30 days, I was exhausted from waking up multiple times at night with him, taking care of our other children, homeschooling, and handling the other life activities, that I simply could not stick to the morning routine I had set up or myself.

I like having a lot of time to myself in the morning so I was getting up sometimes at 4 or 4:30AM, trying to power through the whole day without any other rest. I thrived for that month, but just could not keep up the morning ritual without greater evening discipline to get to bed early.

BUT – The effects of the Miracle Morning routine had such a profound influence on me, that it has been my goal to do it again and try to make it a normal part of my day.

I’d love to invite you to join me in doing the Miracle Morning every day for the month of February! And, yes, to make it easier on you, I deliberately chose the shortest month of the year!

Over these next few days, I’ll be going into more detail about how the Miracle Morning can play out for you and what it will look like for me. The best part is that YOU can decide how long you want or need it to be! Even Hal says in his book that it can be as short as 6 minutes or as long as several hours!

6 minutes!! Anyone can do that!

The 6 minutes reflects his 6 components of a “successful” morning, as listed below. Because I put greater emphasis on it being the time I spend with God, I do not follow these exactly as he describes them (more on that later) nor in the order listed (I always exercised last). So, please don’t let the “affirmations” and “visualization” and emphasis on worldly success turn you off. I promise you that, when done with a focus on Christ, this approach really will help your mornings and your DAYS be filled with the joy and peace that only comes from Him.

The 6 elements of the Miracle Morning

  • S: Silence
  • A: Affirmations
  • V: Visualization
  • E: Exercise
  • R: Reading
  • S: Scribing (writing)

If you have been wanting to start your mornings off better, or realize that you need to be spending more time with God, or just want to become a person who feels more on top of her life and her schedule, PLEASE JOIN ME in doing this for the next month!! I guarantee that you will see a positive change in your life and your attitude and your faith.

Although I’m already kind of dreading getting up early, I’m really excited to be adding this back into my day. I need this in my life right now. And, chances are, so do you.

I’ll be posting about each of the six areas over the next couple of days so please let me know if you’re willing to start your mornings off in this incredibly life-giving way and what your biggest morning challenges are!

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