Why are you here?

No, really! What has made you stop by my page? I’m genuinely curious because who I was when I first started this site is not who I am anymore. I’ve left my older posts up for now to help encourage those who are still fully in that place, but my more recent stuff has taken a turn – as I’m sure you may have noticed – towards a less familiar way of understanding God and faith.

Spirituality is valuable in its many different forms and I am here for you no matter where you are at in your journey. But, because I and my writing have changed so much, I’m unsure why readers are showing up. I love it and I love you!! But, I admit that I am feeling confused about what posts are resonating the most with you.

Are you in a traditional form of faith and just stumbled upon my blog?

Are you doubting and struggling with your beliefs and seeking comfort and reassurance that you’re not alone?

Are you in the throes of deconstructing your beliefs and so relieved to hear that it’s not just you?

If you have a second, will you please send me an email at karen@inspiredtofaith.com and let me know what has brought you here? I’d really love to hear from you and hear about where you are in your faith. What about my website resonates most with you? What would offer you the most comfort, support, and encouragement as you walk this road through life?

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