Random Thoughts from 2017

Lately I’ve been feeling the desire to just put stuff out here into the world, and I came across this journal entry from Sept. 1, 2017. It’s interesting to go back and read – now – what I was writing then, just to see where my mind was and how my faith and thoughts about God and life were shifting long before my deconstruction hit full force. Here’s that entry and maybe it will stir up some thoughts for you… I’d love to hear them!

Sept. 1, 2017:

Are we the only creatures who worship? The only animal that will stop what we are doing – or deliberately sacrifice our time by getting up early – to watch a sunrise? Are we the only ones who gaze at a sunset? Are we the only creatures who try to recreate, recapture beauty in a permanent form? Are we the only creatures who revel in beauty for purely aesthetic (and not just sexual) reasons? Are we the only ones who find beauty and pleasure in inanimate objects that have no other purpose to us other than give us a sense of happiness?

What is it in us that makes us want to understand and makes us feel a sense of awe and appreciation for things that should otherwise just be accepted as the natural way?

It’s true that we can appreciate nature – but why would we? Why would we care? Other animals, other creatures don’t seem to care about their natural world, it just IS. What is it in us that finds beauty in the truly ordinary?

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